working sogolon's ashes: Rt/P
Level: 20
Spawning Power: 2 (1+1) or 0 , it doesn't really matter.
Channeling Magic: 11 (10+1)
Restoration Magic: 15 (11+4)
Command: 10
- Nightmare Weapon (Channeling Magic)
- Weapon of Remedy [Elite] (Restoration Magic)
- Mend Body and Soul (Restoration Magic)
- Soothing Memories (Restoration Magic)
- Vocal was Sogolon (Restoration Magic)
- "Never Surrender!" (Command)
- "Stand Your Ground!" (Command)
- Flesh of my Flesh (Restoration Magic)
- Ghostmirror Light (Restoration Magic) instead of Nightmare weapon, if you want to drop channeling altogether and pump up Restoration and Command to the Max
- Splinter Weapon (Channeling Magic) instead of Nightmare Weapon for a more offense based build
- Godspeed (Command) instead of "Never Surrender!" when paired with party wide enchantment users such as Aegis-using protection monks
- "Fall Back!" (Command) instead of "Stand Your Ground!" when movement is a concern
Why would anyone run shouts on a Ritualist?
There are few reasons to run shouts or chants on a ritualists. The only shouts and chants that are effectively changed by a Ritualist are those that only scale duration but not effects.
Why spec Channeling?
Not much reason other than Nightmare Weapon, which gives the build more life steal. And life steal makes the difference between prot monks with Reversal of Fortune and Ritualist supporters.
Why not invest in Spawning Power?
The only weapon spell used is Weapon of remedy. The only reason to buff spawning power is for longer weapon spells and more HP for spirit transfer or shelter/union/etc.
Why not run Stand Your Ground on a Paragon? Because even at 16 Command, it only lasts 21 seconds. With 10 command and 15 Restoration, it lasts 50% longer with a base duration of 15. That means it lasts 22.5 seconds, which is actually longer than that of a 16 Command Paragon. Not to mention, "Never Surrender!" can be kept up 100% of the time.
The only real problem is Hexes, since neither class has adequate means of hex removal.
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More spikey variant:
Level: 20
Spawning Power: 11 (10+1) <-- to lengthen resilient weapon
Restoration Magic: 15 (11+4)
Command: 10
- Resilient Weapon (Restoration Magic)
- Weapon of Remedy [Elite] (Restoration Magic)
- Wielder's Boon (Restoration Magic)
- Mend Body and Soul (Restoration Magic)
- Vocal was Sogolon (Restoration Magic)
- "Never Surrender!" (Command)
- "Stand Your Ground!" (Command)
- Flesh of my Flesh (Restoration Magic)
-Cautery Signet instead of Weapon of Remedy, since the at 15 Restoration you will only burn for -1 degen under Resilient Weapon
The reason it is more spike-catching variant is once you put a weapon spell on an ally, Wielder's Bon heals in 1/4 second.
Last edited by LifeInfusion; Jun 19, 2007 at 04:30 AM // 04:30..